2260 Dalton Road
Campebell River
BC, Canada
January 31st 2013,
Dear Aron Atabek,
On behalf of members and supporters of Campaign Kazakhstan and the CWI in Canada, we would like to send you greetings for your 60th birthday.
We are extremely angry that you are being held in prison by the Kazakhstan regime. Your courage and determination to defy bulldozers that were sent to destroy innocent people’s homes is an inspiration to many who have heard, and are continuing to hear about your imprisonement.
We have forwarded this message to our local embassy/consulate to let them know our feelings and to repeat our demand that you and your fellow ‘Shanyrak’ defenders should be immediately freed.
Every day of the six years you have already have been incarcerated is a day too long. You should not have to spend another day behind bars, let alone 12 years!
We will continue to campaign for your immediate release and for all charges against you and your comrades to be dropped.
Yours in comradeship,
Craig and Clare Hudson, on behalf of members and supporters of the Committee for a Workers International (CWI) Canada.
PS. Please also find some drawings of our children, Layla and Tomas (age 7 and 6), and Karl (age 3) wanted to send you. We told them about your imprisonment and they were upset to hear your situation. So they both decided to draw you some pictures for you!

See Atabek’s poetic reply translated from Russian.
Original letter.