Музыкальное посвящение

Campaign Kazakhstan и Article 19 провели вечер поэзии и музыки в память о второй годовщине событий в Жанаозен (Казахстан) an evening of film, discussion, poetry and music to commemorate the second anniversary of the police violence in Zhanaozen, Kazakhstan. Видео — James Hesford ‘For Aron Atabek’, в исполнении Alfia Nakipbekova и James Hesford.

Zhanaozen remembered — Bach performance and poetry — London, December 17

Campaign Kazakhstan and Article 19 hosted an evening of film, discussion, poetry and music to commemorate the second anniversary of the police violence in Zhanaozen, Kazakhstan.
This film features a performance of J S Bachs for solo cello by Alfia Nakipbekova, and a selection of imprisoned Kazakh poet Aron Atabeks poems, by Niall McDevitt and Alfia Nakipbekova.